Monday, April 29, 2013

Live Blogging My Paper Writing

Last night I had a paper to write that I had been putting off for a while, not because it was hard, but because these past two weeks I have had five tests and four papers due. So I just haven't had much time. But anyways, in a moment of practical time-saving GENIUS I decided to live blog my paper writing. So get excited. Because you are in for one exciting ride!

11:10 PM- Began actually physically writing the paper. Contemplate why I chose to leave this until the last minute, but then get excited at the prospect of blogging this and recording my thoughts- which I am sure will inspire the nations to procrastinate like it’s their job!

11:24 PM- Stop to read the Seventeen magazine that is lying on my floor. I know… I can feel the judgment radiating off of people as they read the words “Seventeen magazine” BUT they should know I got a 396 month subscription or something like that for $5. And you can use magazines to make collages and modge podge things. So the joke is on you. Anyways, I never read them, but I saw some pictures of food so I stopped to look at that and it was a list of good study foods. Excellent! They wrote “healthy ways to inspire your studying” I read, “Excuses to eat a ton of food while procrastinating.” I then read my horoscope for kicks because I always like to see what they are going to predict my non-existent boyfriend will do, but instead it was horrifying accurate so I freaked out a little. Till I realized this is next month's issue come early so unless it was just off on it's dates or something, then horoscopes are still as bogus as ever.

11:40 PM- Changed a sentence in my introductory paragraph from “form of art” to “art form” which led me to delete words in such a way that my paper temporarily said “fart form.” I laughed so hard I snorted. Apparently I am a 10 year old boy.

11:43 PM- Get distracted by some girls on my hall which apparently inspires my need to eat. So I down an entire sleeve of Ritz crackers. They are so good. I don’t understand how a cracker can be so delicious. No wonder they cost about six American dollars, a family heirloom, and your social security number to purchase. Anyways. Back to writing.

11:51 PM- Sing my roommate a moving rendition of a song about Influenza. No explanation necessary.

12:03 AM- Check Facebook. Originally it’s to post something creepy on one of my friend’s walls that I just thought of, but then I convince myself it’s because I cannot leave my adoring fans waiting for too long: the world of Facebook must know what I am up to on a minute-by-minute basis.

12:10 AM- Couldn’t come up with an adequate way to begin my new paragraph so instead I ate more food. I ate some dark chocolate as it was referenced as one of the good study foods to eat in Seventeen. I ate some Pringles too. They weren’t on the list, but who cares at this point: after midnight calories don’t count. One of my skinny friends told me that, so I know it’s true. 

12:21 AM- Realized this post has more words than my paper. I’m screwed. 

12:25 AM- Stop to have a riveting discussion about the Holy Spirit with my roommate. It is now apparent to me that I will do nearly anything to put off writing this paper.

12:36 AM- Giving up on my paper to go shower. I have convinced myself that I will accomplish more under pressure tomorrow morning. HA. Likely story.

12:52 AM- Got motivated in the shower to keep working on this baby until it is done!

1:07 AM- Made an outline and title page but got too tired to finish. I am seriously pumped to finish this paper tomorrow. It is going to be stunning. Or hastily thrown together with weak reasoning and basic grammatical errors from lack of spell-check time. Yipppee.

7:49 AM- Got out of bed and dragged myself to my computer to finish this paper. Not awake enough to be entertaining.

9:30 AM- Just worked my butt off to finish, which means I wrote this paper in about 2 hours. Which means all of the time I spent singing about viral infections and eating study snacks last night could have been used to finish this paper. Oh well. Such is life. At least my paper is done and semi-coherent.

The moral of the story: don't put off your paper until the last minute, because chances are, if you give yourself an appropriate amount of time, it is bound to be more successful. :)


  1. Hey! You inspired me.
    3:39- See on Facebook that you wrote a new post.
    3:39 and 32 seconds- Decide that clicking on the link on my blogger dashboard will be much more satisfying then clicking on the link on Facebook.
    3:41- Click on dashboard link and start reading.
    3:41 and 14 seconds- Judge you for reading Seventeen magazine- not because of its content but because you are 20 and its obviously meant for 17-year-olds.
    3:42- Get angry and defensive because you totally called that I would judge you.
    3:43- Sing a song about cholera to my cat.
    3:44- Wonder why my cat left the room- cry a little.
    3:45- Read the words "Holy Spirit", start quoting catechisms to myself about the H.S. (that's what the cool kids call the Holy Spirit).
    3:46- Become embarrassed that you used to word
    "butt" on the world wide internet web where everyone can see it, honey.
    3:47- Finish reading and decide that the moral of the story is actually that you should always keep your dorm room stocked with crackers, chips and chocolate.

  2. This is beautiful and the story of almost every one of my college papers. Thank you for inspiring the world :)
