Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reasons Why Blogging Is Stupid

So, I have attempted to begin blogging on several occasions. Well, maybe 3. Or 15. But every time I get cold feet… like just after I come up with that "super witty" username (like "megan_writes_again" or something equally BRILLIANT) and pick out the background, and adjust the font and get it JUST PERFECT I decide against it. It's like I panic and think, "Oh my goodness, no one is going to even read this! And if some poor soul does, they will never look at me the same way again!"

But this time I decided that regardless of my audience's reaction, I owe it to my poor roommate to stop saying every time I think of something remotely clever, "I should put that on my blog… once I make it!" or after reading everyone else's blog saying, "I should blog… It would be so much fun!"

So I begin my debut into the world of blogging with an inaugural post I have titled, "Reasons Why Blogging Is Stupid." Ironic? I sure hope so.

  1. One thing I have against blogging is this idea that people are going to find your life interesting. I may possibly be the most boring person ever. And other than my mommy, I seriously doubt that anyone really wants to hear about my life in any great detail. Because while I love my life, and I have so much fun living it, other people would undoubtedly find many aspects of it incredibly mundane. Which is cool with me, but it makes me wonder why I would post about them on my blog with the presupposition that people are going to read it and be amazed with me.

  1. But the biggest thing I have against  blogging is that people take themselves entirely too seriously on blogs. I mean, what do I, at 20, have to say that anyone would want to hear out loud, let alone take the time to read in words?! My personal convictions, while extremely important to me, are very much a work in progress. I pray every day that the wisdom I think I possess now is going to be exponentially increased every year. (I think us Reformed folks call this Sanctification).

So when people (especially people my age or younger) blog about important and serious things like they are the latest and greatest experts on the topic, I cannot help but roll my eyes momentarily. I know you are probably thinking (or at least I hope you are thinking,) "Oh, but Megan blogs are THE PLACE to express your thoughts and what is wrong with wrestling with serious issues as a young person?!" And you're right. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, sometimes I admire those people, and some of my favorite blogs to read are those about the serious things. Because it makes me re-examine myself and my own beliefs, which is a necessary part of growing up and getting wiser. But I still can't justify blogging like I know what I'm talking about. Because I don't, even slightly. And I have a hard time taking myself seriously.

So that, in a very long and garbled nutshell, is why I am so hesitant to blog. And yet here I go, doing it anyway. I suppose that maybe people blog primarily for themselves. There is something cathartic about just typing away your thoughts. And there is something incredibly satisfying about thinking that someone might possibly read and think about them. Even ever so briefly before you scare them away with your incredible lack of decorum… And honestly, what young person doesn't attempt to use every form of social media to seek out affirmation from others? 

With ALL of that in mind, this is a fair warning that I am not one to take myself seriously, and so I would imagine this blog will reflect that. And I also am not afraid to make fun of myself and other things too, which doesn't mean I am personally attacking anyone who has opinions that differ from mine. It only means that I will criticize or adore things on here for the sole purpose of my own amusement and "self-expression". And I think that's fair. Because while I do really care about people, and I want to be respectful of everyone, I cannot agree with every person simultaneously without writing something ridiculously boring. And if you cannot express your own opinion on this glorified, electronic soapbox called a blog, where can you? 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have to admit, I didn't see this coming. The good news is that with intense therapy I may be able to overcome the shame of having a close relative with a blog. Just kidding,I fully support you in this brave endeavor. In fact, I added you to my Blogger Dashboard where I have 20+ blogs that I faithfully read. I also consider them my friends. Yeah... therapy might be a good idea...
